Big Data — Analyses That Will Help Your Brand Go Viral


Why do some news items go viral and others don’t? Why are people willing to share certain stories with their friends instead of others? While we may be led to believe that interesting products are key to such viral spread, nothing could be farther from the truth. Enter Big Data analysis…

Analyses of data by Jonah Berger (Marketing professor at the Wharton School and author of the New York Times bestseller Contagious: Why Things Catch On) and his colleague shed more light on why things go viral. They investigated word-of-mouth data for over 10,000 products and brands and over 7,000 pieces of online content and here’s what they came up with…

1. Big Data analyses have revealed that there’s actually a science behind “virality”. However, he is quick to point out that sticking with the deductions made from their analyses won’t guarantee a home run all the time — Just…

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